Armen Avetisian

Armen Avetisian is a Armenian pagan who has been arrested for making controversial remarks about the Jews! In addition to this, he was denied a visa to enter the United States to give lecture on his perspectives.

Armen Avetisian is an excellent example of a pagan who has permitted the Aryan philosophy of the family of the Odin Gods to be confused with the absolute purity and sanctity of Armenian polytheism. This is regrettably more common from Armenian pagans that the reader might think — and the strong differences between the Aryan philosophy of the Nordics must not be confused with the Family Arrangement of Armenian polytheism as outlined by the House of Ber, and elaborated upon herein.

I have no doubt that Armen Avetisian places the rose petals on the water, sprinkles water to the strangers, calls upon Vagahan with sacred dagger with the eternal fire, calls upon Nar for rain and wind, and onward with all the traditions as We do, and yet his remarks about Jews, homosexuals and so forth have nothing to do with our royal court nor our promotion of the Gods to the world.

Aryan Supremacy, hatred and extermination of the Jews, bias against the Negro and the homosexual are all a part of the racism that originates from places like Nazi Germany & in the United States before it became a country where freedom was its signature and it was a slave state.

If anything, Mr. Avetistian is completely deluded about his ancestors and the worship thereof, (1) and is simply a parrot to the voice of others who would permit the infiltration of another family of Gods and tradition that has nothing to do with our real aspirations.

If anything, his idiot remarks hinder the progress of our onward elaborations.

Jews are simply another monotheism, (2) slowly dying of its own lack of spiritual body as they continue to ignore the glory of their ancestor's mystical imperialism. The Jews that I have known are highly intelligent, enjoyable to do business with, and remain extremely persecuted by fools who permit the stupidity of their prejudices to obsess them. As another monotheism, (3) I am of course in disagreement with their cultural habits; and yet on a personal level this has nothing to do with how I deal with them as unique individuals. I can, in fact, relate with them personally easier than the Muslim who I cannot tolerate as easily personally knowing what I know about the horrors of the Turkish Genocide. Yet when I see them, I do not bother them, pester them, persecute them nor make remarks to them. That Armen Avetisian would get caught up with his mimicked prejudices is deplorable, and he still does not understand how hypnotized he is by permitting such filters of Nordic ideologies into his private temple and person.

To not agree with someone else's religious belief's is not synonymous with open prejudice against them, and Armen Avetisian is simply too obsessed to speak his objections in a manner where science and history are not insulted by his outbursts.

Armen Avetisian cannot know the Formula of Vanatur. Also, he mixes political ideologies with his perceptions of ancient paganism, apparently not realizing that Our original paganism was wrapped up in the regal garment of imperialism mixed perfectly with our ancient magic. (3)

Therefore, Armen Avetisian errs deeply with his puppet dance to the media; and has not only damaged his reputation as a pagan but has created doubt in the conservative Armenian who would be dragged also into the same pits that Avetisian has found himself.

1. For the sake of the Armenian conservative who wants to live his or her life in peace, wants to align himself or herself to his real culture and develop insight, spiritual initiation and joy as an honest and good person we present ourselves as alternative life style in this hideous world of boring machine like puppeteer and puppet who have permitted themselves to be a slave to Government intervention and psychological projection. A "universe of discourse" means the limits within which one is trying to communicate ideas through the use of words. An Armenian conservative is given therefore a “universe of discourse” which has within its preliminary planes of perception and postulate ideas presented in words corresponding to number and symbol more closely manifested to the volition of their destiny and will by including the factors of the unconscious, conscious will and the means of communication with the self and others without the hindrance of reason and enslaving dogma. We present a way of getting in touch with that supernal thought that can only be realized by mathematics, geometry and poetry. This clearly makes our religious system make all other Government and society, presently, seem savage, as of course they are! My point being, an Armenian conservative who we sincerely would like to see benefit from Our Existence is in an idea position to feel warmly toward our perceptions of the spiritual universe having had ancestors that adhered to it on one plane or another in the past. Think of Us as the natural evolutionary wave of our own spiritual system; where over the past five thousand years we've had time to meditate on the more complex enigmas of our spiritual development. Now, put that 'universe of discourse' in your volitional pipe and see the smoke of aspiration reach the stars.

(2) I state just another monotheism, and do not condemn the cultural habits of savage Jews any more than the cultural habits of the savage new testament Christians. Both have equal standing as having abominations in their history. No doubt, the situation has improved with these two branches of monotheism and they both are less violent and aggressive toward others now that they dominate the scenery. Today the Jew is completely different than the type of wandering troglodyte he was during old testament and migration times where he would sacrifice first born and animals. That this horrifying tradition among the modern Jew has apparently died out shows a greater maturity and awareness than the early Jew. They did not have a clean beginning; and suffered greatly from being enslaved twice, once by the Egyptians and once by the Babylonian Slave Lords. In both cases, the two cultures that enslaved them were more advanced than the migrating, savage version of the Jew with his child and animal sacrifice, his tendency to steal innocent children and give them up in sacrifice to Yaweh and other alien customs coming from their savage scriptures. It simply didn't occur to the early Jews that more advanced cultures than them would consider such items as the the Ten Commandments were mere primitive tribal codes; and their so called scriptures was the nothing more than the ramblings of an undeveloped spiritual system that worshiped the one God – and therefore was condemned right from the start to all the sicknesses of monotheism. The modern Jew is much more easily tolerated than his ancestors and especially the Jews in Israel itself. Having their own country back has done them a world of good, and in terms of humanitarian awareness they have come a long way. The Christians today are also much more merciful to others than in the past, and the Christian Priests were as recent as the Middle Ages still blessing their torture machines with their prayers before they began their torture, a cruel and hideous insult to any civilized beings perception of humanity. The inquisition was a blood bath more horrible and hideous than any one war in the history of humanity where civilizations were murdered off by the sickness of first the fanatical crusaders and then the blood thirsty Christian Priests during the inquisition. The origin of Christianity, for those polytheists reading this and not having ever bothered to look it up, comes from a Jewish couple named Mary and Joseph who tried to get permission from the innkeeper to sacrifice their first born which was soon to come. Of course, the Innkeeper did not want to bloody his rooms from these savages primitive ritual so denied them a room. The Innkeeper, more than likely disgusted yet carefully tolerant as civilized people are toward dangerous savages, instructed them to do the bloody sacrifice in the stable which the savages eagerly agreed to knowing that they now had a place to murder their first born to Yaweh in accordance with their traditions. Of course, being ignorant of astronomy – and seeing the star in the east saw it as a sign from their God that the baby should be spared. I'm sure the elation and joy that must of followed with the relief on both sides that they could keep the baby completely gave them a new perspective on life, which of course carried on in the personality of the offspring being brought up with the story that he was blessed.

(3) I should remark that my statement that all monotheism is a lie is never a suggestion nor a promotion of their extermination. This is clearly not our ambition at all. Nor am I suggesting that we necessarily cohabit with them on the same level. Clearly, they have differences that make them socially unacceptable to our spiritual progression in Armenia and the world. We are not suggesting at all the type of tolerance that Democracy implies, nor the rude tactics of the Communists, nor the naive postulates of the socialists, or the unbalanced perceptions of the republicans, nor the senile old man creeds of the Tao, nor the savior God attitude of the Christian, nor the savage tendencies of the Mongol, nor the savage terrorist attacks of the Mohammedan nor the intolerance that Nazi Germany practiced. We are promoting the Gods of Armenia; and have enough to concern ourselves with carefully explaining to the multitudes how Our Way is absolutely superior in all ways to every philosophy, religion and civilization that presently exists. Most certainly, if our civilization is indeed so superior it should not be difficult for us to present it in a manner where we need have to use such vulgar tactics as would predominate a confused individual as Armen Avetisian, whose rudeness to the Jews and others show an indifference to the Temple of Vanatur. The House of Ber, therefore, presents the very best of our ancient civilization, Our Gods and mystical imperialism. As for our brand of politics, it too is vastly superior to anything that you could possibly conceive; and has nothing to do with with anything you see with the media. Remember that the absolute rule of the Armenian King shall be a function of the absolute freedom of the Armenian subject is a perception of mystical politics not based on anything that has found superiority since my ancestors rule. You state that with such a statement that both the subject and the royalty both have their cake and eat it too? Yes, of course, I understand completely that we present a civilization where everyone is the center of his or her circle. With such a perception, superiority and inferiority has no basis nor body for we being all one species, we are all flames in the fire of the Sun of Ar. This is clearly a startling perception for both the college professor and the political theorist who cannot understand how the collective consciousness would have any connection with the manifested reality of the force of our Gods and how such a formula could be cogent with the balance of the God King with the subject.

(4) Its very painful to have to go public and contradict Armen Avetisian for his blunders. Yet, it should be realized how it all came about that such a man could of arrived on the scene with so little tact; and completely be so very confused on his own ancestors ideologies. You must realize that We are, and have been very friendly to the Nordic Odin Family of Gods, and as I've already stated we have both been come to be called the Northern Esoteric System. In addition, any exchange of insight is duly absorbed by our mutual symbolism; and we ordinarily go our merry way – certainly no worse for the experience of mutual friendships. Yet, something went terribly wrong. A Master from the Western Esoteric System (Martha Küntzel) who should of known better gave Adolf Hitler certain magical secrets so he could awaken to power. This Master was under the delusion that Adolf Hitler was her magical son; and taught Hitler information from the Priesthood of Nar, namely the Windmill of Nar, the salutation of Priesthood of Nar and other symbols which are too dangerous to name. We only found out later that this occurred; and most certainly would of objected to this female Master of the Western Esoteric System showing keys of power to Hitler. None of Us would ever permitted such a savage as Hitler to be taught such things!!! It was a strange surprise that Hitler actually was able to energize the secret talismans; and perhaps he actually did not participate in the actual ceremony that energized them, and Martha Küntzel from the Western Esoteric System had to have done so — since Hitler had no knowledge of such ancient magic. Yet, the energy that was unlocked from the symbols manifested so strongly as a consequence of the powerful personality of Hitler went insane with the energy; and began wiping out the Jews, who symbolized the forces that the ancient Priestesses had awakened for the curse toward the Jews. This was an ancient magical battle when the Jews first migrated to Armenia and the High Priests discovered that they had sacrificed their first born. This absolutely horrified the Priests and Priestesses back then who retaliated by using the elemental force of the windmill to strike them, and drive them from the Kingdom of Armenia. Yet, something occurred to Our surprise that changed the Jewish habit of sacrificing first born; and they changed to the sacrifice of goats. The origin of the Priestess of Vanatur guarding the Temple of Anahit was to protect the Kingdom from the deadly savagery of their bloody sacrifices of first born; and the tendency for them to steal our children. We do not completely condemn Martha Küntzel for passing on this ancient occult knowledge to Adolf Hitler, and after all in a sense it showed how advanced she had to have been to have reached such levels, which we, until Her were never sure that the Western Esoteric System had been capable. We assumed that Our magic was the only left over from the ruins of the inquisition. Yet, Adolf Hitler was insane, and we most certainly condemn him for his evil. That circumstances and karma should of worked out to the sum of such a terrible genocide is deplorable. Therefore, I expound all this knowing Armen Avetisian blundered as a consequence of Martha Küntzel's blunder long ago by teaching a savage like Adolf Hitler some of Our secrets.

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