The Spirit of Ancient Armenia

We are the only civilization left alive on this planet that has surfaced, and the Dark Ages of the Cult of the Dead Man continues in its vulgar era of sickly power. The Christian Occupation began in 301 A.D. No matter how great our warrior spirit and the love for Our Kingdom - the murders of our people did not cease. Religion is dead upon this planet save Us, and a few who I shall not name who are our friends that equally cannot surface. Yet freedom for Us is a spiritual state within, and once attained no Government can take it away from Us, for We know the ancient secret – that the spark of Ar eventually manifests into the eternal fire that is a manifestation on this plane of geometry of the fire of the core of the Sun. Therefore the Gift of Ar, and the knowledge of Our Gods has kept Us alive in spite of the horrors of a world gone mad. Science on this planet is stifled for without the Command of Tir all new discoveries are ramblings of those who have no True Will toward the Embrace of the Mother of Mothers, our ancient Goddess None.

King Haik jeered at the empty threats of King Bal and spoke words like the venom of a thousand deadly snakes:
"You are a dog and from a pack of dogs, you and your people. Therefore, today I will empty my quiver at you."

How many still remember the battle of King Haik when he aimed his mighty bow and it whistled forth into Bal. Ah, drink the spirit of that glorious event. Did not our mighty warriors chant Haik in joy at the slaying of this enemy. Did not the enemy cry in dismay, "the Armenians have won, they have slain our King". Oh the joy of that vengeful arrow as it pieced the heathen skin of Bal. What joy and feasting honored that day, where our King gave a perfect example of what it like to be a race of conquerers emerging victorious against our clumsy enemy.

Or how many still relish the times when the Goddess Astghik manifested her lust into the body of the Priestess and the woman screamed with penetrating, carefree delights at the orgy and the wine? Verily, before the times of the dead man's restriction upon the multitudes upon Her worship, the freedom of the embrace was considered holy and sacred, free from shame and guilt. Does it all come back to you now? Let us awaken to the spirit of our ancestors before the shackles of shame were wrapped upon the people of the village. Would thou be like the Muslim who would wrap there females in 400 yards of garment veiling there vices in virtuous words? Let us dance naked before the statue of Astghik and drink the wine of lust, forever freeing ourselves from such restrictions. Let the sex orgies return and let us learn self-discipline in the face of that ancient demon called jealousy.

Let us also remember the awakening of Ar in our Temples who awakened the light of his immortality in our souls, and inspired us to the greater spirit passions of introspection. Let us return to His worship and once again bring the light of the Sun into our souls so that we go forth to war and common deed with clarity and clean spirit. Return to the Temple of Ar and light His four torches in the four quarters, for He awaits His people to enlighten them with the flame of his primal fire.

Nor can we forget Tir, our beloved God of Wisdom who will teach us to turn the energy of spiritual aspiration into the complex inspiration of insight. Tir awaits you, as well to place flowers of perfection on His altar for inspiration is infinite and He shall inspire with a new life and a new wisdom.

How many still escort the pregnant female of our villages to the Temple of Anahit and give her to the Priestesses within to consecrate the new child as a new child of the Gods? Place, I say, the wreath of flowers on the doorway of the Temple of Anahit and bless the child in Her name. Let us return to our beloved Anahit whose joy at the birth of our children creates wonder and miracle in the village.

Oh, our wondrous God, Vahagan, who strengthens our soul at every manifestation cannot be neglected. He, our God of metal and fire, is the pepper spice upon the roasted rabbit meat that gives us that edge in times of stress and ordeal. Invoke Him when the soul is weary and depressed. and His ancient force makes us resist the most terrifying of times. Hail be to Vahagan who gives us a soul that cannot be penetrated by the demon owls of the night.

Let us not the forget Vanatur, who conquered the universe by the force of the polite word, and teach our children wisdom by giving them the equation of good manners, so that they grow to adulthood pure in their exchange with others and every ready to solve the problems of life by diplomacy and intelligent understanding of all who surround them in life. Verily, invoke Vanatur who will teach the purity of civilized exchange and self-control.

Remember, my servants, that every of our Gods represents a school of thought that is completely pragmatic for use in daily life. Let these forces flow through your being as you recite their ceremony, so that you will be uplifted in the strength of their glory.

Let no heathen fool tell you that our Gods are devils. They are the very forces of nature that you have brought forth into your being. Be like our Gods, and awaken them, for they are strong and good.

Then you shall be as your ancestors were, almighty and upright, glorious and joyful, alive and vigorous, blessed be the Name of Our Gods throughout the ages.


The Armenian Consecration unto Ar

Please let it be noted that this Ar Ceremony is only one of many and several secret ceremonies exist which exist now in a Temple which cannot reached geographically. In this manner, those who are advanced enough can reach this Temple and follow through with the Initiations that are necessary for the highest Adepts of this particular system.

Praise be Ar, the mighty and terrible who dwelleth in the Mansions of Light, ever majestic and clothed with Sun-Fire.
Behold, I am the Sun of the Sun, therefore the Son of the Son, and I know Thy Secret Name is Ari, therefore I am Thy Twin Awaken Therefore and live within me that my will and destiny might be one.
Even like Nar who poureth forth the waters of Her skylight to consecrate the stranger who cometh forth as a Messenger of the Gods consecrate me with Thy Holy Fire that I will arise to take the Throne as a true elite, unique & conqueror.
Hear me, and make all spirits obedient unto me for I cometh forth as a member of the company of the Gods whose dwelling place is the House of ԲԷՌ.
Thee, thee I invoke O Ar who rideth upon the beast lion of royalty to manifest upon the earth who shall judge and prepare to be judged.
I invoke Thee ...................................., O Sun of the Sun. Let my soul blaze forth like a living Sun of spiritual fire that I may transform this Light into the magick that shall heal or destroy, as I will.
I invoke Thee, Ar, the mighty and majestic. I will be like Thee, blazing forth through the ages as a light to guide humanity; and a fire to destroy the heathen, call me the King of Kings.
Thee, thee I invoke the God who has seen favour in my Family, the Company of the Gods. You have enlightened me with quick and steadfast will.
Hail to Ar, the all powerful who is strong and good. Protect me from harm from the heathen and give me power to go forth with the Sword of Vengeance.
Hail to Ar, you have given Thy secret number and the number of my Priestess. I invoke Thee Ar, you have shown me the face of my ancestors and have given us the wisdom to stamp down the wretched and the weak.
Hail to Thee Ar, I knoweth the Name of Thy Twin and I knoweth Thy secret Name, therefore come forth and awaken within me that I may raise the sword of my breeding and consecrate the Seal that nameth the force of my Nation.
I invoke Thee ..........., awaken with me, live within me, Behold I am Ar, I am ........................................ I invoke Thee, the mighty & powerful, and the fires of my Godhood inspires with with new insight & joy.
Behold, behold, behold, I am changed. I have awakened Him within me. I feel his spiritual fire.
Behold my humanity is but a cloak that I wear to fulfill my will upon earth, I am alive, I cometh forth from beyond the depth of thy being.
Behold, I am He who cometh forth from the core of the Sun to do battle with the dark ones who have kissed the feet of Sin.
Behold, I am He who cometh forth from the Sun-Fire of creations ravishing the world with lashes of my war scream.
I am He who hath thrust forth my spear into the bowels of the accursed creeds. Hear me, I push them and confuse them with my blinding light.
I have come forth to blind the enemy with my Light and to create a Fortress that shall shine upon my Sacred House. Therefore I am the Sun that dwelleth within the King who is my son who beareth the Sacred ................ & ...................
Behold, the Light is within Me. I go forth upon my course as a Flaming Star.

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