Armenian Polytheistic Feminism

The exchange of man and a woman as shown in much literature and video is ordinarily written or shown by men who haven't the slightest idea of how to to inspire others to achieve tolerance between the sexes; or give a clear picture of the glory of a woman's freedom and courage. The Goddesses have always shown,(1) as attributes of a woman's inspirational possibility toward courage and freedom the ultimate peak of psychological strength and moral courage. In addition to these features of perfection that duly show them naked and unashamed, courageous with wisdom They ironically present to mankind the perfection of the woman in our species. Therefore, the existence of the Goddess is surely an inspiration to any women who, knowing the type of men that monotheism create can only turn to the Gods and Goddesses as symbols of the true reality of relationship.

The damage to the social structure that predominates Christianity's attitude to the free woman is a matter of historical record where the women showing the slightest bit of independence is put on the rack and sneered at like she was a whore.

This damage has created a situation where we have something named a feminist, who studies the writings of woman's liberation to pin point the problems of what they have come to name to male chauvinist pig. All this as a consequence of the Christians, Jews and Muslims (2) creating a society where a woman is considered a lower form of life than the so called superior man.

My point being, this damage to our society simply doesn't occur when you have the Priestess and the Goddess as an inspiration right from the beginning. All the books on Feminism become wasted words and none of the observations hold any water for the woman who has been brought up with Armenian polytheism. For she, the Priestess who has identified with the Goddess, invoked the Goddess has become Her Incarnate on earth, knows therefore mystically, instinctively how to handle herself in times of transition and confrontation.

Yet, all the books on Feminism are — although written without inspiration nor real poetic endeavor are still a necessary counter to the insanity of those monotheistic outrages that have so predominately harmed women in this savage civilization that is a consequence of past errors with religion.

The poetry of feminism is equally repulsive, ridiculous and irrelevant to the Priestess who has seen the truth of the divinity of Herself; and has already achieved naturally what the fanatical feminists try to bring to a woman. Knowing that such harsh feminists reacting against men are a consequence of their frustration we are polite in their presence knowing the pain and suffering they are trying to eliminate by their attempts to free their sisters from the shackles that the misunderstanding between the sexes has created by the stupidity of savage perceptions of woman.

Therefore, I must surprise the reader to completely agree with the freedom of woman and at the same time object to an approach that drives men from women even further with the so called feminist movement. I respect deeply what they are trying to do, and yet knowing the real root causes of the problem know that most of it amounts to justification and rationalizations that have no bearing on the real solutions that create perfection of interchange among the sexes.

The books on feminism amount to intelligent words that are equal to whining and sarcasm where they simply could manifest the Goddess within and all would be suddenly be in perspective.

Ours is a quicker solution, and trying to undo the damage to the social structure after three thousand years of monotheistic torture is a difficult matter at best. We emphatically exclaim to eliminate the monotheism altogether, return to our original equations where the glory of female divinity awakens within the Priestess to inspire and teach all that woman should be treated as equals. At least if they do not deny the sheer primal lust of their animal instinct in the process. For a woman to be truly free, and to show the real divine animal which we hunger for so instinctively as the perfect Priestess, she must be a whore, a mother, a warrior and intellectually sound in terms of manifesting the divine words of that Goddess she is Priestess of.

All this in contradistinction to the modern feminist who excludes the polytheistic Armenian female from the equation, and forgets that her ilk simply wasn't needed until the social damages became so harsh that her instincts manifested to the reality of what we have now come to name feminism.

Our proposal is to return to the Gods where our type of feminism can be explained to the modern feminist by the Priestess to complete the missing equation, and redress the unbalance that monotheism has so sorely raped from the glorious soul of womanhood by his rude and stupid behavior with regards to not permitting her a place in the Temple.

1.One can only be astounded at the perfection of possibility that is clearly announced by sublime symbolism of the Goddesses of Armenia. All of Them are socially consistent with divine aspiration but have socio – biological attributes that are completely sane and coherent with our species. For example, the sexually free, sheer nakedness of spirit to share love of Astghik representing the youthful exploration of the young woman who is excited by the experience of relationship is clearly given with a symbolism that is consistent with the reality of our species. In addition, the absolute reality of the Goddess Ahahit who is the perfect personification of the adoring mother to the sacred child is reflected in the needful matriarchal instincts of maternity is also in touch with the reality of our species. While the Goddess Nar is a third type of women that is not shown as the mother or the lover but as the sorceress and the explorer, a perception so totally alien to other religious systems that She is misunderstood to this day. Yet, this third type of female we insist is just as much part of our social structure as the mother and the lover.

2. Although I have included these three as the main culprits of social discontent with regards to being the major guilty parties in this age old charade of male manipulations I might point out that the orientals with their sick forms of religious philosophy are equally at odds with the proper exchange of the sexes by their primitive and savage attempts at religion. For example, no real balance in the exchange of the sexes exists within Taoism, Hindooism, Confucianism, and other sub branches of these savage religious systems. The Japanese woman, for example, until her influence toward western contemporary literature and video had an imagination so stifled with regards to her freedom that she lived her life much in the manner of a sex slave. The same with the other eastern oriental females, whose careful maneuvering by the oriental male made her a domestic animal. In China, the situation has been so bad in terms of social structure that it was once considered, and still is in the more retrograde areas of that country, for it to be a sad affair for a female child to be born. This is a consequence of the mental attitude of the family where the male heir is seen as superior to the female heir. Apparently, the concept of the Queen and the Priestess has been long since dead in the Orient and they also, err in the way of interchange among the sexes.

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