Page from the diary of King Jack Ber

This is an undated page from the diary of King Jack Ber. It contains the usual wit & unique observations of New York City when he began to settle in the city & establish himself after two long treks, the first one the escape from Armenia; and then a brief time in Sweden where he met his wife.

I having arrived in this monstrous city & having to pay tribute to all the propaganda of the city in terms of small talk feel relieved that this new life here shall be free from previous dangers. Herein is the city of the radio where baseball and bubblegum are as important as politics — a city which long ago should of ceased its insane growth & found sanity in its planning & yet like a madman that will not cease his mad laughter the insane laughter of the growth of this city has made it a jungle wherein I can escape & rebuild the ancient Temple without being suspect to false accusations.

My wife is learning quickly the native tongue of this city & I intrude the civilization of her quick ambitions in speech by reminding her not to speak the old tonge among strangers. Her hair is like the golden sun of Ar; and her skin is white as snow. Oh my beloved, upon the day of the Temple of Anahit bear us a child that shall be a child of the Gods. Yet, I know this that our civilization was intruded in era of the Birth Mother's holy pregnancy to a race of Gods; and so shall my children intrude the civilization that has seen the blood lust murder of my royal court. I will plant the seeds that will create a Temple that cannot be abolished by any law, anywhere, and the blood will flow from the altars of my vengeance to what the empire of false elites has bestowed upon my children & country. I shall not cease the firing of my arrow until Turkey & all its holy wars are desert from the land of my ancestors. Yet this city is a camp of safety for the next generation of Gods that shall be born herein; and I feel the venom of the soul of my ancestors for I have been driven from my previous plot to rearrange myself with my will & destiny. As for meeting others who might create correspondence or contact with the path ahead I wanted to talk to Ella Wilcox who is said can talk to the dead & wrote a poem that I thought implied that she knew the Gods. Yet now I found she has died. Other Paths have others who would profess knowledge of these paths that roll into each other like an apple that is close to the tree of their ancestry. Ella Wilcox remains a mystery to me. What she a secret Priestess. I cannot now say. Others, like Aiwass give a Holy Law which reveal sublime mysteries & it teachers tell you the study of the book is forbidden. Possibly, a method to keep away the unworthy from their hidden Temples. In this book, a revelation on the mystery of Aralez is confirmed; and yet the question of him was not given. In another line, the House of God; and my family name in Sumerian reveal that this book is a true Holy Book. Even the style of words is in the demanding Holy confidence of the ancient Priests.

I continue to study the literature that would be instantly recognized as speech from the supernal planes; and there may be more as I search for those hidden mysteries that are to reinstated in the courtyard of my chosen Knights. In addition to the acquistion of a library that will be useful for the future of my family and quiet study I continue to look for those who might have prolonged the normal span of life. Jack Diamond is a notorious man here who people say has escaped death numorous times & therefore is beyond death. Yet it is a fantasy that he would one of Them. A strange conidence that is a moment's smile that he could one of Them the Gods that walk the earth from ancient times..

The machines here are more advanced than the old country; for a secret navy project has given this city a machine that enlarges the sound of speech. I heard this first hand; and of course they are beginning the use of it publicly to give political propaganda to the crowds. Yet its use might be startling in our ceremonies — if we could survive life without being murdered for coming out into the open..

The world is still too savage for us to be understood; and we must live between the shadows until a country or a system of freedom is permitted in some country. Every country in the world claims to be the freest; of course - and all of it is nonsense propaganda since the worship of the dead man restricts the awakening of the soul. My wife is using the woodpecker sounding typewriter so I can't write anymore whereas my curiosity is aroused on what she is up to. .

Several comments to this page diary are in order. Firstly, the purpose for giving it is historical purposes to clarify Jack Ber's position on the new country he found himself, and second, it gives a clear painting of his spiritual aspirations and thoughts at the time of his arrival. We have considered giving more pages, and yet too much is too private and sometimes dangerous magically to reveal to the profane. It should in addition be duly noted the reference to the strange Holy Book discovered in one of the books stores in New York City whose author was Aiwass, the Minister of Hoor paar kraat. This book had given unbelievable insights and clarifications on ancient secrets of magic that were thought to be ruins. What the Book is cannot be revealed in any one writing, and it has so many magical secrets, parallels, and so forth that it seemed unbelievable that it could of even existed. The book openly gives secrets of mystical imperialism, and other points that showed Us that it was a truly inspired Book from a real Priesthood. This Holy Law by Aiwass the Minister of Hoor-paar-kraat does give the impression that a representative of Our Family and Religion was either present & requesting insights toward Our survival or the supernal manifestation included Us through magical collective awareness. The entire first Chapter of this Holy Book gives mystical secrets, instruction and insights concerning the Goddess None. Was this an ancient Egyptian Priest giving survival tactics to other polytheistic survivors? Perhaps this is true, and yet the Book cannot be denied to be one of the most beautiful manifestations of supernal thought known. Those who write a history of its dictation give a even stranger story, and the Book exists on its own merit. Of course, the Book is beyond the comprehension of all but those who have achieved an understanding, alignment and initiation in the True Temples that cannot be found geographically. Other Books which we will not name yet have been found to show the supernal thought of the ancient priests, and yet nothing compares to this Book. Finding this Book and others was the beginning of establishing a library where real references could be made, and Our history sorted out by what was passed on to Us.

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