Greetings from King Lawrence of the House of Ber of the Kingdom of Armenia, High Priest of Ar

Written by King Lawrence of the House of Ber of the Kingdom of Armenia, High Priest of Ar, at 10:16 a:m in the Castle of Superiors in the Courtyard of Ar in the hidden valley of the secret abode of His Highness on June 10, 2011 era vulgari.

By way of introduction I do realize how blatantly retrograde those persistent rumors are to be against Our House and person, and yet rest assured that to hear of what We are, We were, and intend yet to be must come straight from the horse's mouth, if you will.

Without a doubt, We have moved throughout the history of the world proud that our intellect matches our efficiency in war, and ever loyal to our Gods We have set up Our Thrones in secret places for our preservation to the future! Yet again, this would naturally create averse rumors of Our House, and how much of these nefarious words against our person are accurate have been an ongoing topic of interest since that controversial battle in 937 A.D. when My ancestor King Ber the Bold fought the traitorous false elite, which we accurately stamped King Abbas the blasphemer.

Two generations of hidden royalty behind us has occurred since our beloved Great Grandfather King Jack of the House of the Ber of the Kingdom of Armenia told us that no greater satisfaction could be awakened in war against a vicious enemy (he was, of course, referring to the Turks) than to “cut out there hearts and hold it before there face before they have time to die”. One can only smile at such rugged individualism in these days of useless diplomacy where a good fight results in the death of an enemy! We do salute such philosophy for the reality of vengeance cannot be denied on a psychological and social level. No doubt, such behavior does result in some persecution, doubt from the multitudes and name calling from so called free countries who engage in secret themselves similar strategic war maneuvers and get with away with such tactics all in the name of freedom.

Yet time doth it pass and we find our educational background has made us see world events, and the cause & effect of the manifestation of the Gods creates some deviations in tactics. Today, we know that our vengeance need not take on such direct physical violence against our enemies but to merely bring our Gods to the world will cause adjustment and is sufficient as a alternative to such temporary tactics.

Yet the blood of ancient polytheistic Armenian mystical warlords does course through our veins, and although we miss those times of glorious war we know now that only temporary satisfaction would predominate our psychological condition. Therefore, although our tactics are not going to engage the enemy in the same manner as our predecessors we are most certainly genetically attuned to the reality of so many generations of breeding with those who understand power from the perspective of a conqueror.

We in these times on this planet where the entire monotheistic civilization of the world staggers in its next transition We alter our plans somewhat to gain the advantage on more than one plane of geometry, and strive for our real aspiration to bring our Gods to humanity with the understanding that eventually that ancient spirit of greatness that radiates from our royalty might be known, and a new civilization might arise where our Kingdom would stretch across the planet like a Garden of wondrous delights.

Such a golden age is entirely possible where science and spirituality might join hands, and once again the Gods shall walk the worlds bringing joy & prosperity to the world. Where the Command of Tir might be obeyed and new worlds both in science and philosophy might be conquered, a new fleet of warships to conquer the very known universe, and enlighten all species to the joy of Our sense of civilization.

Therefore, we have extended our ambitions beyond any petty act of violence that would never give us permanent satisfaction by presenting our Gods to the world. Our plans are infinitely more extensive than world conquest or such small fish as useless assassinations of the enemy. Naturally, we note that terrorist attacks are out of the question. They serve no one, and accomplish nothing and therefore We reserve our energies to expounding how to build the Temple of the Gods as it was and as it ever shall be, to build that unique character and power that should never be lost to humankind, the Kingdom of True Elites brought forth to real manifestations with a return to ancient Armenian Gods!

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