The Scrutinies of Uncle Leo

“They hunger for Jihad, let us give them a banquet of swords”
Uncle Leo aka Prince Leo the Angry most thought provoking quote.

Although we admire and love Uncle Leo greatly, it is best we write about him years after his death, and explain that his controversial attitude was both an inspiration and a lesson in tactics. He lived his life in New York City and only returned to Armenia three times where he always came back with anger on his observations of the new Republic which he despised above all. Other family members told him to calm down and show patience. Yerevan was not built in a day nor would the worldwide preservation of our ancient religion to occur without diligent persistence.

Yet being of the blood we all knew he was simply acting like any member of Our family would behave in any period of history. Most certainly, certain genetic traits are predominate in Our family which always awaken in spite of the generic, hypnotic, and useless morals that so leap upon the unwary puppets of dogmatic religion. Being, a devout worshiper of Our Gods, and being born to a hidden Throne gave him that pride and strength that we so deeply admire we know that something has to be learnt from his reactions and sometimes belligerent demeanor.

Should we not study the situation from the perspective of aspirations and goals that we really want & will to attain. Why not skip over the insane clamor completely and find routes to the objective with lasting effects? No doubt, war can be fought on many levels of geometry, and the entire point is to conquer & establish permanent positions of power where we can live freely being who we are, and give that great gift of tradition to those who would enter our Royal Courtyard.

Uncle Leo favorite words was, “They hunger for Jihad, let us give them a banquet of swords”, is no doubt an exciting prospect for those of our DNA code who relish the thought of a mighty battle where we create a glorious bonfire with the decapitated heads of heathen Turks, where we drink, laugh, jest, and make love in a group orgy of celebration of the glory of the battle. No doubt, the proper spirit is indeed most satisfying on a psychological level that is rarely attained by the opposition whose lives seem so dreary and hopeless wherein they waste there lives with asinine morals that have no bearing on the issue of real men and real women. Like they've chained themselves on the dungeon walls of the Koran, and instead of being drunk on the joy of life vomit the dogma of there creed to the uninterested and the fearful.

So therefore, Uncle Leo's desire to immediately overthrow the Republic of Armenia by force and wipe out everyone in Turkey is an amusing and interesting idea which we never took seriously. Why rape the maiden when she can easily come willingly by a few sweet words of poetry? As for the Muslim Turks, they are all spiritually dead already, so We simply build our Temples and wait for there physical bodies to catch up! Certainly a chess tournament can be as interesting as a boxing match, and most certainly if you concentrate on the priorities of your goals – which is in Our particular scenario giving information of the Gods to preserve & build our religion worldwide We most certainly need not bother with those controversial methods of stratagem that would hinder Our progress.

Again, Uncle Leo controversial idea to burn down all the Churches in Armenia, and roast all the Priests over open fires that have raped altar boys, again, is a stimulating and thought provoking stratagem that again wasn't taken seriously. We would rather have the Armenian population study history, and go of there own free will to return to the Gods when they realize how much more efficient and glorious it is to Communicate directly with our ancient Deities. Certainly, a Christian Priest is no better eating than the flesh of a heathen Muslim Turk, and we would rather occupy our times with fine restaurants where the culinary delights of the finest Chefs was prepared for us as we intelligently discuss with those who are interested on the stark advantages of moving back to the ancient Temples, and expounding the metaphysics of Armenian polytheists to high IQ individuals who would only digest such information, and give new & vital insights into other schools of thoughts that would evolve from such exchanges.

One can admire the sheer savagery & ruthless determination of Uncle Leo whose volitional manifestations are completely consistent with those members of my family in the distant past who in the face of a world turned demonic with Monotheism fought on and on and on, knowing that to give up was to completely let Our Civilization die, and we know that We would not exist today if men like my Uncle Leo in my family did not arise to the occasion in those dire times of an avalanche of opposition.

Yet, today is July 1st, 2011 era vulgari, and Our family members have no problems whatsoever traveling to Armenia & treading our Holy Ground, and of course all Armenians know why We will be there on August 11th. No one troubles us, and if had Uncle Leo been permitted to being taken seriously we would be troubled by those of the Republic who would no longer understand & tolerate its Kingdom.

So therefore I dedicate this article to Uncle Leo whose apparent excessive behavior would alert us to consequences that would of otherwise given us an uncertain path, and to officially name him years after his death, Prince Leo the Angry, and may the Gods send him to that Place in the Hereafter wherein the banquet of Gods is ever eternal, and where His Soul might dwell again in flesh consistent with the necessity of Movement Forth!

Several afterthoughts might be essential to elucidate the above dedication and article. It is otherwise vital that we do not attempt to sway you to a perception of the way we are other than the truth stands, and the positive verification of history thereof. We will NOT lie to Armenians or anyone else on the stamp of our blood, and be assured that our blood is directly from a true royal lineage. Look carefully at King Ber the Bold's words to King Abbas the blasphemer in your history books. Note the similar ruthless determination in his motives & personality that predominates ALL of us. We are just like him. He is our ancestor whose actions are not surprising to us, and rest assured we have been as ruthless as we have been intelligent throughout the years in our attempt to survive and uphold what we consider to be truly glorious. It is always been the signature written in blood of our strong will to uphold those aspirations to bring back which was so horribly raped from our Temple. We make no excuses nor apologies for what we are, no more than a lion would apologize for his DNA or a shark would apologize for its mindless hunger. Yet it is otherwise important that historians, archeologists, psychologists, scientists, scholars, news media personnel, high IQ individuals and even our enemies have an understanding of us that a clear study of our DNA in terms of comprehending a real testimony of survival could only enlighten us to the reality of our species, and where such a people as are Us will be in the ages that awaken from the winds of time understood and held up with frankness for all to comprehend. It might very turn out that although you haven't overestimated yourselves being in a position to see introspection, you have underestimated your original judgments by only having the weak lens of psychological projections. Besides, and consider of this. Such traits might have far reaching effects into a joyous future if science were to apply these principles for cultivations. I risk stating this the stereotypes images of mad scientists, and yet I insist on telling the absolute truth, whether you might be shocked by the entire scenario or not.

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