Historical Lies and the Psychology of Brute Force

It is without a doubt that psychologists and criminologist have studied the reactions and actions of those who go contrary to law and actually do brutalities in those situations that society would object to in terms of raw vengeance. Yet the psychological advantages of the strong (1) acting rather than remaining passive are a completely different perception entirely – and must not be confused with the criminal whose psychological condition has brought them to real insanity.

This does not alter the fact that the act of brutality is identical. For in both cases a human being has been brutal and merciless to another human being. A serial killer in his or her confused state tortures or kills an innocent relishing the pain of others. Yet, in the scenario of a polytheistic warrior King who has beheaded a Seljuk Turk who has just murdered members of his family must feel the same satisfaction. We must therefore pause momentarily and consider the two situations. The serial killer is insane and anyone is well within their rights to kill him immediately to rid the world of such a sickness. Yet, what of the polytheistic warrior King? Does he not honor his family and Kingdom by being brave enough to kill his enemy?

Yes, historians are an ironic breed. They more often side with those who they consider privately to be in the right, and more often than not – confusion and contradiction seem to leap out at you at the pages of history books. No doubt, a modern Turk would write up the piece of history exclaiming an evil barbarian once beheaded his beloved ancestor, and of course, the Turks being basically having men that are passively feminine in their nature, would nod their heads up and down in agreement (like old maids) that the (2) pagan King had to acted without honor and in a manner inconsistent with the Koran.

Shall we take this point to the next level? The average educated Armenian reads with wonder and fascination the story of King Haik who fired that arrow so long ago and was regarded as a hero. Yet, someone from another country who does not see the point might write King Haik as an evil barbarian King who initiated problems for surrounding countries, all of them considerably more innocent than Armenia.

We see the same situation today with the Turks who deny the Armenian Genocide, and would want us to change the way we write our history. The die hard Turk who still believes in such superstitions as Jihad still wants his country's history to write it all up as a necessary action from the commands of their Prophet.

The House of Ber resolves all these controversies by pointing out that Our Ancient Civilization is actually more advanced since we need not lie about our somewhat controversial stand on war. The papers on the Geneva Convention we use as toilet paper when in times of war. We have objections to a world civilization that would limit themselves to monotheistic religion as a background to hypocritical morals. No doubt nervous reactions come from the media who rarely write about anything with Our style of razor sharp accuracy or the historians who salivate at the thought of writing still another point of interest that is attuned to their prejudices.

Of course the history books write us up as ruthless, brainless, heathens, and barbarians while the monotheists try to skip over the abominations like the rack, torture machines and other assorted horrors like the elimination of everything but they are by brutal force. We point out to them that we cannot ever reach the numbers of dead (3) compared to the sheer genocides of entire civilizations and of course, they skip over their own infamy to by creating a delusional history. After this, having satisfied themselves that everyone will believe still another falsehood, they concentrate entirely on how much they have accomplished for humanitarian consciousness.

So continues the onward march of hypocrisy that so predominate monotheistic civilization, which forgets all too easily that We are, in fact, the eyes of your own ancestors from ancient Armenia who began & of course, shall regain that glorious polytheistic civilization that is the true ideology of Armenia rather than the liars who would predominate the scenery presently.

(1) Newspaper people or now more so the media, you must understand, is either the puppet of Government, the puppet of an Editor who oversees his writers to not breach the so called conservative norm, or they can be instruments of propaganda or simply ill trained in the art of creative writing and stifled by a background morality where they never present an issue completely researched. No doubt, the educational background is only a part of the problem, and the lack of spirit and soul of such people who would be puppets of a deteriorating system gone astray by enforced slave mentality. Yet Armenian media personnel do seem to be coming out the dark ages from being occupied by Communist Russians whose infernal habit of avalanche of worthless laws and rules more or less caused wounds in the soul of the freedom of Armenians as a whole in terms of expression. In 1993 it was still quite apparent in the mentality of the multitudes where my family kept making remarks on the stain of USSR on a once jolly and joyous people. These wounds are healing, and with time perhaps the media reporting will return to the spark of freedom that expressed itself so blatantly in the personality of Armenians everywhere prior to the genocide and the occupation of a Government incapable of understanding freedom. With new generations, of course, we should see improvement of newspaper articles, media articles and even new books coming on philosophy, science and the arts. I should remark, in addition, that the House of Ber has adhered to the worship of the Gods for many generations and it might bewilder the newly released Armenian from the shackles of Russian Occupation on how we retain our original spirit. Yet, trying to show everyone the advantage of its force & fire which always retains its high energy in times of transition is precisely what we have tried to do by giving the knowledge of the Gods sufficiently for such a return. What occurs spiritually with regards to freedom, you might ask as the clouds show the Sun for a brief moment of shocking ray of light of reality. Now let me just say this, which might very well give you still another shock concerning social awareness. Freedom becomes for you, with our ancient religion a spiritual state that cannot be taken away from you by any Government – for when the spark of the Divine of Our Gods is lit, it eventually becomes that eternal fire – a gift of Ar, wherein the course of your life is at last permitted without the cumbersome chains of the puppeteer who has hypnotized you to be a slave to false elite Government.

(2)I should reiterate my statement that it is vital to understand that the spiritual state attained from polytheistic Armenian religion which becomes the ultimate freedom within that cannot be taken away from you. The educational background with sociologists should eventually be refined by a scientific research along these lines. We are still behind schedule with this realm, and yet we are gaining ground. The protests in Middle Eastern countries that are presently occurring are proof enough that freedom doesn't exist in these countries, and of course they feel if they raze the house in order to rebuild it they can come out the other side with a freer system. Of course, it may all be nothing more than a frustrated man beating a dead horse, for the background of monotheistic morals is so predominate from years of slavery with Muslim protocol that only secular Government will sooth the blind ache of the soul of these people. In Democracy, the freedom to vote is an interesting idea which soothes (like opium!!) somewhat this desire to have a voice in Government. Yet secular Government means separation of religion and Government, and with the Cult of the Dead man still in existence with its demonic black fingers the real freedom within that is spiritual does not occur. The monotheistic religions do not give the raw individuality that We do, and how can they with such savage restrictions that the Church, the Mosque and other corrupt institutions have imposed upon the basic freedom of the people. Our answer to this aspiration that remains unfilled by monotheistic civilization is to show how religion should never be the opium of the people to sooth them into a sleepy zombie existence but to show them a spiritual initiation of Higher Self by real identification with the Gods being ultimately a more awakened state than to rely on the crutch of savior slave in a slave state. These points are very difficult for Democracy to understand who are quite bewildered when you make a claim that they are a lesser form of freedom than Us. We have stated quite categorically that the final decay of Democracy is Communism unless the factors of the spirit are included in the equation. The United States is an excellent example of how the multitude of laws have accumulated to such a point where near paranoia is found where previously it did not exist. Yet, the United States has an advantage that Armenia does not. On the east and west coast they are protected by sea, and have been intelligent enough to keep the Formula of Vanatur with Mexico and Canada. These two countries being at peace with the United States and the protection of the ocean on both sides has given the United States a chance to resolve itself (and even evolve) in a manner a land locked country like Armenia has so far been unable who has to put up with hostile neighbors & invasion where it would be unthinkable in the United States who have friendly countries who have relatively sane Government on their borders.

(3) Numbers of dead when the dust settled and the Church was finally satisfied it had won its onward crusader march of death cannot be compared to the amount that the House of Ber dropped to the dirt in their desperate yet valiant attempt to save their civilization from death. After the Church gained its ground in Armenia with Christianity the march of death for pagans continued until no one was left alive that came out in the open. Serious students of history who would be honest should look at the photos of the torture devices that survived the inquisition. Look at them, I said!! Historians should also look at the loss of knowledge that occurred worldwide when civilizations that were three thousand years old or more were callously murdered down to the last man if they did not convert. The modern media in Armenia doesn't often raise such issues for to do so would bring a public awareness that might make the multitudes realize that someone, somewhere in history has been emphasizing one side over the other – rather than hold the situation up for frank and honest evaluation in an honest read with history. During the communist occupation, with regards to my family, historical document were shifted to meet the standards of the communist party. No doubt, they could not deny that We existed, and yet they could not take the chance that We would arise again as heroes. So enough in history has been left intact for We to be regarded as scoundrels rather than mighty warriors that in reality, fought the very last battle in 937 A.D. before we became hermits in the forests and the mountains. We had no choice but to withdraw into the silence. We have appeared again from time to time in history to fight our wars in secret, or more often expound Our Mysteries, and yet with spiritual initiation Our Time approaches. Did not Our ancient Priests of Ar state, (to the amazement of the rest of the Priesthood). The price of existence is eternal warfare, and the price of eternal warfare is existence. No doubt, the political theorist might raise his eyebrows when We state, world peace is the delusion of weak fools, and yet look at what we have been through all these centuries to exclaim such words that seem to go counter to the existence of a Era of Vanatur. Yet, with the Wisdom of Tir we know better how to fight our wars without psychical violence and you can be absolutely guaranteed that We will take it up with you on another plane of geometry - and by the time you've read this we will have made still another chess move on the board of the world.

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