Greetings from Queen Lucy

Message to Armenia and the world from Queen Lucy of the House of Ber of the Kingdom of Armenia, High Priestess of Nar, who dwelleth in a secret abode somewhere among the speakers of the English Tongue, hidden & ever glorious upon a Throne of Gold consecrated to She, the Mighty & Terrible whose Name among mortals is Nar Our beloved Goddess of wind and rain. Written upon this day of June 11, 2011 era vulgari in anticipation of a new and wondrous day to come.

I greet you all from the Palace of Infinite Forest to be reached only by aspiration to the Temple of None, and homage to Her Sister Nar the Almighty. I greet you with the Formula of Vanatur from the Temple of Nar who offers her Divine Raindrop to the righteous whose souls are radiant with Her divine rain of creativity.

It has been one long year since I have tread the Holy Ground of my ancestors, and seen the startling changes that would continue in Yerevah, a city more dear and lovely than ever, and I long to ride horseback through those secret places in Armenia which the tree planters have blessed with the return of green. I love them dearly, those who have replanted the trees. Soon I will enter Armenia again (we will be arriving the old way, of course) for the celebrations that shall be led by Our King, ever loyal to the awakening of Our ancient religion among those who would feel they are again of the blood.

We thank publicly the tree planters who are blessed by Nar, and the return of the ancient forests of Armenia gives me great joy. Here are some videos that are of interest as ecology takes priorities as Armenia heals itself from dire ordeals, to be lifted in status to the center of the world – even as times of old of my ancestors rule.

In addition to the ancient forest which resulted in the polytheistic Armenians being named “pagan” which simply means “country” other areas which remain secret hiding places, trade routes, and underground places were established. It should be noted by historians that do not pay attention to what occurred during the 300 years of Pagan Wars, the invasions of the Seljuk forces, and the ongoing Christian Occupation that Abkhazia and the mountainous areas of Svanetia, Racha and Khevi-Khevsureti, served as a safe haven for numerous refugees from the underground pagan Empires struggling against all odds in the midst of the continued, vile manifestations of the monotheistic Empires. Yet the forests are sacred to Us, and should be noted by historians as the most significant of all of our methods of survival during the times of persecutions & and random acts of the inquisition by the Crusaders and the overly ambitious Church. All this is the origin of our tradition of entering Armenia even to this day the old way, where We could move undetected by the enemy to tread Our Holy Ground and tend to those rites which only now We bring to the surface for Armenia and the world to see for themselves.

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