Some insights on Magic for the Armenian Sorcerer

Well, if you're planning on taking up the very real ancient Armenian art of magic I must elaborate somewhat on several points of interest.

A few remarks about the ruins of magic should be elaborated upon. (1) In the Western Esoteric System you will notice that the literature is laced with Hebrew, Qabalah, and other Jewish influence. This was a consequence of the Jews, being intelligent to comprehend the deadly horrors of the loss of knowledge of the real magic did their utmost to disguise and preserve the ancient wisdom. Of course, so much of the raw data of what they preserved was not knowing what they preserved and the knowledge became tainted with their symbolism. In many cases, it is not so distorted as to apply the proper keys to restore the manifestation, and in some cases it takes much more work or the knowledge is lost completely from their interpretations. Admittedly, they did preserve enough for Western Masters to arise in time from the ruins of magic who using the restored keys were able to bring modern masterworks of occult literature to the eyes of the public — and by then the inquisition long dead could not come back and repeat their cruel and sadistic efforts.

For us, this has been very helpful and although the Jews haven't been real magicians since the times of King Solomon they retained enough to preserve enough for the minor mysteries to be developed by the Western Masters that arose. Yet, the entire scenario might have been even worse if the inquisition had laid as heavily of them as they did us.

What is known as stage magic or parlor tricks comes from a time when real magic was at its peak; and all the tricks were not necessary to entertain crowds.

Magic has been defined as the science and the art of causing change in conformity with the will, and this although a preliminary definition serves the novice until he or she become adept with its forces. A clearer definition comes from its pragmatic use and this generic definition isn't completely satisfactory.

Another definition is the manipulation of the forces of natures without damaging changes in consciousness, and manifestation of power without loss of energy. Yet these perceptions occur are added from what we have come to call the Northern Esoteric System; and I cannot tell whether they would make sense to the Western Esoteric System whose definitions seems incomplete to Us. The truth is, all four esoteric systems of magic are still recovering from the inquisition, and may take several centuries or more to reach where we actually peaked.

As for peaks of civilization, there cannot be any doubt that Armenia, and other ancient civilizations reached an incredible peak before being destroyed by monotheism and other factors - and one cannot tell how many times this has occurred.

For all we know space travel and the colonization thereof has already occurred (2) and the science fiction fad that sweeps the intellectual community might be some type of collective consciousness of awareness. Tir commands us to explore the universe; and this could have been taken long ago to of developed a technology, not necessarily with machines that led to a successful migration elsewhere. We can only keep an open mind, and at the same time try to keep in touch with reality. Nonetheless, I shrug my shoulders and bring up the subject.

My personal lifelong observation makes me bring up such an apparent outlandish perception, and I'm sure it would bring smiles to the conspiracy theorist who is always giving the world fiction more often than anything based on fact.

Again, my personal observations give me all these conclusions, and especially that magic would grow from ancient roots quicker if more magicians existed on this planet.

Yet, remember, we have a new inquisition that must be warned against, and this strange twist of danger must be mentioned. That of the Government scientist. Remember, that if you eventually restore those natural magical powers within yourself, you have to be discreet about using them publicly lest you end up on strapped to their experiment couch where they would do what Government scientists would have to do to comply with their Government.

So, by all means, develop those magical powers, yet be extremely careful about showing them off to avoid problems with others.

Again, this is more than personal observation but personal experience! I will hint in closing that trying the impossible can do no more than make you a moment's fool, and yet if you do not try you remain a fool your lifespan, as short as it will be not doing anything at all.

1. One Master in the Western Esoteric System that I've been observing for some time doesn't seem to be reviving the ruins of magic at all but attempting to apply the method of science to magic. Although I doubt strongly that this Master has enough followers to have any real assistance with this his valiant attempt to bring new perceptions and methods to the world of magicians to any greater extent it is extremely interesting to see a civilized human being amidst a world of rude savages. This Master's point is taken, and one only has a comparatively limited number of manuscripts to work with at any rate. I would point out that the development of magic took thousands of generations of magicians going so far as to mutate our species into a divine animal that can perceive reality in more than one dimension in a manner that is only recently been appreciated by those who have truly awakened. Noted as well, that finding ancient magical secrets that have already been worked out and magical gestures ready to manifest is essential. Helena Blavatsky, a Russian mystic who was disappointed that she couldn't find anything pragmatic in the west with regards to the magic art, decided to run to the eastern gurus to get the mystical secrets. Her attempt to bring east and west together as one mystic system was naive enough, and otherwise pathetic and yet she did mention that the Vatican has magic books from the inquisition that the church fathers had refused to let her study! Now, had she been able to see those books the various treks she made might of turned up more than the naive ramblings of eastern gurus with all their talk about hidden masters and sublime adepts who turn out to be our family waiting for them to be ready for Us. Blavatsky's writings are very interesting, and although spiritually she never amounted to much more than a intellectualized medium, her sincerity of effort cannot be denied.

2. Whether you consider the idea of a ancient civilization having made it to outer space and an earth type planet, it is most certainly an interesting topic for discussion or fiction— yet one important point is essential here to be considered. This point is magic and the Gods might very well be that factor which is needed as essential baggage to retain the attributes of our humanity if a trip to the stars is planned that takes more than one generation. No other system or philosophy or path of life could get you there on the other side of the trip without serious psyhological damage to our primal beings. Whereas, our Gods and magic include those eco-biological attributes that represent our deepest most primal natures, and magic is the absolute key to the evolutionary process, indeed, is that very door which made us try the impossible and therefore mutate beyond our ape consiousness so many generations ago. Evolution consists of being forced into a situation where we have to be aware of more planes of existence and then assimulated properly to develop superior survival instincts over other life forms. (Charles Darwin either had too low an IQ or did not live long enough to understand this.) If humanity brings magic and the Gods as baggage to the stars, humanity might very well have all those principles to continue elsewhere and even make sense to any other species that might be encountered. Also, since ancient magic itself is weaved within the fabric of our very evolutionary process, our greatest weapon against any predators that might be similiarly constituted that we might encounter might very well be not our machine technology but the spirit of survival that is invoked by Gods and magic.