The House of Ber's statement on new and old Courts

In men of the highest character and noblest genius there is to be found an insatiable desire for honour, command, power, and glory.

Cicero (106 BC - 43 BC)

I will further explain the perceptions of the Royal House and its differences, manifestations and magical significance. Rather than state the " House of Savoy" or the "House of Cyprus" be damned, I'll attempt to explain my objections and comments for other Royal Houses that exist that still adhere to the cold, murky dark waters of old aeon procedure.

What's wrong with these Royal Houses, you might state. Hasn't the House of Windsor (also know as the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha) been around long enough to know how magical force centers properly as They do in the House of Ber?

Well, the House of Windsor,(1) which is the British royalty, does not use the formula of the great mystery of the House of God. They, if fact, did not start as a magical empire where the basic principles and understanding of occult symbolism could manifest them outward into the souls of the subjects. It was not until Dr. John Dee, royal magician to Queen Elizabeth I, used his enochian magic, did the British Empire become aligned properly to magical forces. You will note that their fine treatment of Dr. John Dee alerted the proper forces to bestow upon them the magical gifts of one of the greatest Empires that has ever existed since the Pharaohs. Of course, the House of Ber existed years before the House of Windsor (perhaps longer, Ber is Sumerian for "Fortress"), and for all there present efforts to keep the proper powers, they fall short. They simply do not understand magick well enough for them to gain the true power of royalty that initiates the soul to the pinnacles of power.

The House of Windsor is rooted very nicely with gold and jewels but they do not understand that true power isn't money and their definition of character has no primal and spiritual basis. They are too hypnotized by christian dogma to know the God-Hood of the centralized Temple and have a true spiritual understanding of character. Nevertheless, the House of Ber respects the House of Windsor, although they are still in terms of understanding what real aristocracy was, and can be, extremely naive and young. Remember that they are an Island Kingdom and have been a bit spoiled by the strength that the sea has given them all these years. The House of Ber, on the other hand, is Armenian, a land locked country where we have had to be severe and ruthless to survive. We have disadvantage and advantage here, for although Our rule has to be underground right now, the constant invasions from other nations has permitted us to compare and select the best methods to assure that the spirit is truly manifested with the letter.

The House of Windsor has never had the secrets of aristocracy. And of course, it is doubtful whether it would be advisable to marry into their tea party. After all, our method of finding eleven concubines in the Kingdom and choosing the best one avoids all those genetic and blood diseases. Besides, we are free in nature. We refuse to give up Our sex orgies. So all the other Royal Courts are still occupied by foreign symbolism from the christian priests and held hostage by there own dogmatic code and blinded with red hot iron of the cruel black magical gesture of enforced sell out.

I will further shock the other Houses by stating this. Monotheism is a lie which limits the perceptions and development of the mystical universe. Our way, the oldest way of the Royal House is the best.

The Royal Houses of the world seem quite stable right now. Yet it might be appropriate here to warn all the Royal Houses of the danger of degeneration of force. Let the House of Mars of the old Roman Empire be a lesson to all of us, which degenerated into a secret society that made crime rather than royalty it's signature. This secret society is of course the mafia. Instead of a God King ruling the House you will have a Godfather who manifests the corruption of spirit into the economy and stamps honour with a dirty shoe.

Remember the horrid motto of such people:

"Honour dies where interest lies."

The sum of this is the complete loss of principle, the escape of spiritual meaning and the improper upbringing of an aristocrat.

As for the future of all the other Royal Houses. You have permitted yourself to fall short of what was intended by Us long ago. You have no idea what a House can do for the world when aligned properly to the Forces that We intended for them. You know not of these powers, for they are powers you never dreamed of.

In conclusion, remember this. The power of a God. This is the real power. The only power worth having.

(1)The House of Windsor came into being in 1917, when the name was adopted as the British Royal Family's official name by a proclamation of King George V, replacing the historic name of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. It remains the family name of the current Royal Family of the British.

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